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Chapter 42: Inspection(1 / 2)

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However, beautiful dreams can never be achieved easily, and you never know what the future holds.


Bai Ling returned to school, and the boy who ranked second in their class suddenly approached her for a conversation.


\"Bai Ling, have you decided which company you want to join after graduation?\"


\"It depends. It\''s not like I can just join any company I want.\"


\"What do you think of Group Corporation B?\"


\"It\''s quite good, but even if I were to interview there, there\''s no guarantee I\''d pass.\"


\"How would you know if you don\''t try? Besides, I\''ve already been accepted, and your grades are better than mine. If you interview there, I\''m sure you\''ll pass.\"


\"You got accepted? Congratulations! But I\''ve interviewed at several companies recently and haven\''t heard back. Grades don\''t dictate everything in the real world.\"


Suddenly, the boy noticed the ring on her finger and exclaimed in surprise, \"Bai Ling, are you engaged?\"


Bai Ling raised her ring-adorned hand and replied, \"Yes, you\''re quite observant.\"


\"When did this happen?\"


\"Just recently.\"


\"Bai Ling, marriage is a serious matter, not a game. Do you know him well enough?\"


\"Zhang Yi, matters of love are different from studying and taking exams.\"


\"I didn\''t mean anything by it. I just noticed that you\''ve always been immersed in your studies throughout college and haven\''t had the time or energy for an

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