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Chapter 27:School Anniversar(1 / 2)

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"What time is the interview?"


"In just over an hour."


"Don''t worry. We''ll get there in ten minutes. Find a place to change your clothes first."


"Alright, I''ll just go to the restroom to change."




Luo Xiao''s car quickly stopped beside a high-end hotel. Then, Luo Xiao and Bai Ling got out of the car, and Luo Xiao led Bai Ling toward the hotel restroom.


"Go inside and change. If you need anything, just call me. I''ll be waiting outside."


"Thanks" Bai Ling quickly ran into the restroom to remove her makeup. However, her false eyelashes were stuck too tightly, and she couldn''t remove them despite her efforts. Growing increasingly frustrated and sweating under pressure, she knew time was running out before her scheduled interview.


Left with no choice, she called for Luo Xiao''s help outside the door.


"Senior, I can''t remove my eyelashes. Could you…" Luo Xiao sprang into action before she could finish speaking.


Gently and carefully, he helped her remove the false lashes. "Done," he said gently, instantly calming Bai Ling''s nerves.


Initially, she had been concerned that, as a man, he wouldn''t know how to handle the situation. Luckily, it wasn''t a problem. If she had more time, she would have resolved the problem herself instead of relying on Luo Xiao.


"Thank you, thank you! I''ll be done in a moment," she said, quickly returning to the restroom.


"Look at how well that boyfriend

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