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Chapter 24:School Anniversar(1 / 2)

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Bai Ling felt a little embarrassed.


As usual, she kept her head down and ate quietly during dinner.


"You''ve been busy with school lately?" Luo Xiao couldn''t help but ask after observing her like this for several days.


"Yeah, I''m about to graduate, so I need to find a job. And then there''s the school celebration..." She abruptly stopped speaking, but Luo Xiao astutely continued the conversation.


"Do you have a performance at the celebration?"


"No, no, I never participate in public events like that," she hastily shook her head.


"By the way, will you attend the celebration, senior?"


"I don''t think I can make it that day. I have some other commitments."


"Oh, the celebration isn''t anything special, anyway. Work is more important. As young people, we should prioritize our time on what truly matters."


"Don''t you want me to go?"


"No, no, I just think it''s not worth spending time on. I don''t have a choice since I haven''t graduated yet. If I had, I wouldn''t bother attending the celebration."



At last, the school celebration day arrived, and it was time for Bai Ling to take the stage.


Before her performance, the host introduced her as "the brilliant and accomplished student from the class of ''08, Bai Ling..." marking her first-ever public performance.


She gracefully walked onto the stage wearing a beautiful dress and elegant makeup. She bowed to the audience showing her resp

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